Nick Hulston

Entrepreneur • Designer

Welcome to my personal website! I am a computer science student at Georgia Tech. My passions are mobile, web, and blockchain development.



I love creating new things. That's why I work with a wide variety of technologies, and I always strive to learn more.

  • Mobile

    Experience with Flutter and Android

  • Web

    Experience with React.js and CSS

  • Blockchain

    Ethereum, Solana, and Cardano smart contracts

  • UI/UX

    Design tools such as Figma, Photoshop, and Illustrator



Oct 2020

1st Place

HackGT 7 Overall Prize

Grocery Grab

Invention Studio

Sep 2020

2nd Place

IoT Hackathon Overall Prize

AC Daddy

GT / Emory

Jan 2021

Top 10 Finalist

Hack COVID Overall Prize



July 2021

Top 30 Finalist

NCR Global Hackathon

Ghost Grub


Sep 2021

3rd Place

Stellar Sponsor Prize

NFT Highlights


All • Mobile • Web • Other

Sorting Visualizer

React web app for visualizing sorting algorithms using Next.js and Styled Components. Includes bubble sort, heap sort, quick sort, and selection sort.

  • React
  • NextJS
  • JavaScript
  • CSS

Grocery Grab

A mobile app that reduces COVID spread by reducing time spent in store. It improves shopping efficiency by introducing pathfinding, contactless checkout, and augmented reality.

  • Android
  • Java
  • AR Core
  • Firebase

Fresh Foxes

Landing page and artwork for the Fresh Foxes NFT project. Built with Next.js and hand-drawn in Photoshop.

  • React
  • NextJS
  • JavaScript
  • CSS

NCR Check-In

An IOS and Android app for NCR employees to refer restaurants as sales leads. Employees can earn points, achievements, and monetary rewards for successful referrals. Generated 200+ sales leads for NCR POS systems.

  • Flutter
  • GCP
  • JavaScript


A clone of the popular word game, WORDLE, but with six-letter words instead of five. Built entirely from scratch. Includes mobile and desktop support.

  • React
  • NextJS
  • JavaScript
  • CSS

Jelly Swap

Building a decentralized crypto exchange on the Cardano blockchain. My roles include front-end dev, smart contract dev, and marketing.

  • React
  • Haskell
  • Plutus


A chat control plugin for Minecraft servers, written in Java. This plugin is an administrative tool for servers to control and manage their chat, prevent spam, prevent swearing, and more. 800+ downloads.

  • Java

Ghost Grub

A mobile app that lets consumers simultaneously order from multiple restaurants in the same ghost kitchen. This will increase revenue for ghost kitchen restaurants and decrease consumer transaction costs.

  • Flutter
  • GCP
  • JavaScript

AC Daddy

A mobile app to remotely control dorm room air conditioning. The device will automatically turn the AC on and off to maintain desired temperature. Users can set a constant temperature or create a schedule.

  • Android
  • Java
  • Firebase

NFT Highlights

With the Chrome extension, users can quickly upload livestream clips to the Stellar blockchain. Content creators can specify a cost to increase revenue. From there, a user can view and trade their owned clips on our mobile app.

  • Stellar Blockchain
  • Flutter
  • React
  • Flask


Swipe lets users discover new, randomly generated stocks and cryptocurrencies. Each asset is presented with a chart, fundamental stats, and relevant news articles. Users can swipe right to save an asset to their watchlist.

  • Flutter

Reactive Portfolio

A responsive portfolio website built in React. It includes various effects and annimations to engage the user.

  • React
  • JavaScript


A noninvasive approach to COVID contact tracing using a hassle-free social networking app that prioritizes private group connections between workers or students.

  • Android
  • Java
  • Firebase